The Fortune of War - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)

November 7, 2006, 12:00 am

The Fortune of War

The wombat stared him straight in the eye, drew a length of gold lace from its mouth, and then deliberately sucked it in again.

'Pass the word for Dr Maturin,' said the Captain, looking angrily at the wombat: and a moment later, 'Come now, Stephen, this is coming it pretty high: your brute is eating my hat.'

'So he is, too,' said Dr Maturin. 'But do not be so perturbed, Jack; it will do him no harm, at all. His digestive processes -,

At this point the wombat dropped the hat, shuffled rapidly across the deck and swarmed up into Dr Maturin's arms, peering at close range into his face with a look of deep affection.

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Desolation Island - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)

October 30, 2006, 12:00 am

Voyage of the Leopard

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The Mauritius Command - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)

October 22, 2006, 12:00 am

Voyage of the Boadicea
Voyage of the Raisonable
Maturin in The Mauritius

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Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell Volume II - Jonathan Strange - Susanna Clarke

October 16, 2006, 12:00 am

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HMS Surprise - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)

October 13, 2006, 12:00 am

Voyages from HMS Surprise

Stephen looked sharply round, saw the decanter, smelt to the sloth, and cried, 'Jack, you have debauched my sloth.'


"Nymphs, forsooth. If they were nymphs, they must have had their being in a tolerably rank and stagnant pool"

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