The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan (Audio Book)
This book was entertaining enough and perfect for listening to while doing other things. The plot chugged along in a kinda predictable way, but with a long history and rich descriptions to make it enjoyable.
What the hell happened with the ending though? The entire book leading up to some sort of climax at the end and then an almost absurd rush of events that culminated in a confused and sorry showdown between good and evil.
"Quick chop off his gigantic cosmic umbilical cord of unlimited power before he chops off ours!!!"
This sort of crap just doesn't fly with me anymore. But I will read on, I enjoyed most of the book and maybe there will be more giant umbilical cords of power, I just can't get enough of those.
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A Storm of Swords - George R R Martin

"Prince Bran has heard that tale a hundred times, I'm sure."
"No," said Bran. "I haven't. And if I have it doesn't matter. Sometimes Old Nan would tell the same story she'd told before, but we never minded, if it was a good story. Old stories are like old friends, she used to say. You have to visit them from time to time."
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