Browser Fixes and UI Done
I have fixed up alot of the browser problems I was having and the utility now works in Firefox, Safari and Opera and works in IE with slightly limited functionality (doesn't support loading XML driven maps).
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Offline version ...
Added a windows installer for a version that runs offline. This version doesn't support additional maps, but has all the basic functionality.
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Some bug fixes ...

Changed the blocking terrain marker key from ctrl to alt or shift. The ctrl key is mapped to right click on the Mac so the ctrl version didn't work. Also fixed a bug with the range markers not going away. Still waiting on a response from Wizkidz re copies of their maps.
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A Game of Thrones - George R R Martin

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Voyage of the Boadicea from The Mauritius Command complete
The voyage of Commodore Jack Aubrey in command of the HMS Boadicea is mapped. The end of this map marks the completion of The Mauritius Command, which has certainly been the most challenging book to map. Patrick O'Brian's attention and level of detail, drawing from Josias Rowley's Mauritius Campaign in 1810, is a wonder to behold. The complexity of course lines circling Mauritus, Reunion and Rodriguez is evidence of his achievement. As always, I would welcome any comments or suggestions.
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