Table of Data Points

Tag : Massacre

1945-08-15Surrender Broadcast

After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'Etat, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address to the nation. Some Japanese soldiers, devastated by the surrender, committed suicide. Many allied POWs were executed.

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1945-07-07Kalagong massacre

600 villages are murdered by troops from 3rd Battalion, 215th Regiment and the OC Moulmein Kempeitai of the Imperial Japanese Army.

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1945-01-01Chenogne Massacre

Several dozen German prisoners of war were killed by American forces near the village of Chenogne in retaliation for the Malmedy massacre.

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1944-08-12Sant'Anna di Stazzema

SS troops commanded Anton Galler, surrounded and entered Sant'Anna, rounded up approximately 560 men, women and children, murdered them and burnt their bodies.

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1944-06-07Abbey Ardennes Massacre

18 captured Canadian soldiers of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders and the 27th Canadian Armoured Regiment were taken to Ardennes abbey and killed by members of the 12th SS Panzer Division.

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1944-03-24The Great Escape

76 prisoners of Stalag Luft III escape. 73 are subsequently recaptured and 50 are murdered by the Gestapo on Hitler's orders.

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1944-03-24Ardeatine massacre

335 civilians are led to a system of caves a rural suburb of Rome and murdered by SS troops. The massacre was in reprisal for a partisan attack on the previous day.

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1944-01-29Koniuchy massacre

Soviet partisan units attacked the village of Koniuchy. Men, women and children were massacred indiscriminately. According to the findings of the Institute of National Remembrance at least 38 people were killed and about a dozen injured

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1943-06-12Berezhany Ghetto

At dawn 1,180 Jews are led to the city's Jewish cemetery in Okopysko and shot. A single survivor, Menachem Katz, escaped and described the massacre.

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1943-04-07Terebovl Massacre

The 1100 Jewish residents of Terebovl, Ukraine are forced to undress to their underwear, marched to the nearby village of Plebanivka and shot.

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